Faire la course contre l’hiver au Colorado

Mes coups de pédale au Colorado dans la profonde vallée de la Snake River m’ont confirmé l’imagerie que je construisais de cet état durant les dernières semaines : d’immenses terrains bien clôturés, de belles maisons entourées de bâtiments de fermes, des chevaux et des vaches paraissant bien nourris, un propriétaire de ranch passant par là sur son cheval, me permettant de prendre de l’eau à son puit, « on his property », plutôt que dans la rivière, des Hispaniques au chapeau de cow-boy déplaçant avec l’aide de chiens un troupeau de moutons… tout cela entourés de montagnes bien sculptées garnies d’arbres aux couleurs d’automne.

C’était bien joli, mais j’étais exténué.

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Noticias de Jörg

Aqui esta un texto (en inglés) de Jörg, encontrado por casualidad y con quien compartí la ruta dos meses, desde el territorio del Yukon hasta cerca del parque nacional de Yellowstone. Su aventura sigue en dirección de Salt Lake City y San Francisco, por el desierto del Nevada, para eventualmente seguir la costa oeste estadounidense y mexicana. ¡Quizás vamos a encontrarnos otra vez por casualidad en América Central!

After 69 days of « sharing the road » with Etienne, we separated. It was a long time together like a long time married couple.

From now on I have to « socialize » with the people by my own. Not that I have to be always nice like Etienne. I still don’t care, but I have to talk. Sometimes it’s annoying to tell always the same story to an American trucker. Also I have to organize all the Warmshower or Couchsurfing stuff. I was traveling with a very good tour guide – I see it now. But thanks to Etienne, he joined me to all these communities. By the way: he can cook! His crepes are delicious! So he was the man for the CS/WS hosts when we did dinner. As a kitchen slave like me its now difficult to come around… maybe I can have his secret receipt about making these crepes.

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News from Jörg

Here is a text written by Jörg, met by chance and which who I shared the road for two months, from the Yukon Territory to close from Yellowstone National Park. His adventure goes on toward Salt Lake City and San Francisco, via the Nevada desert, to eventually follow the US and Mexican West coast. Who knows, maybe we will meet again by chance somewhere in Central America!

After 69 days of « sharing the road » with Etienne, we separated. It was a long time together like a long time married couple.

From now on I have to « socialize » with the people by my own. Not that I have to be always nice like Etienne. I still don’t care, but I have to talk. Sometimes it’s annoying to tell always the same story to an American trucker. Also I have to organize all the Warmshower or Couchsurfing stuff. I was traveling with a very good tour guide – I see it now. But thanks to Etienne, he joined me to all these communities. By the way: he can cook! His crepes are delicious! So he was the man for the CS/WS hosts when we did dinner. As a kitchen slave like me its now difficult to come around… maybe I can have his secret receipt about making these crepes.

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Des nouvelles de Jörg

Voici un texte (en anglais), écrit dernièrement par Jörg, rencontré par hasard et avec qui j’ai partagé la route pendant 2 mois, du Yukon jusqu’à proximité du parc national Yellowstone. Son aventure se poursuit vers Salt Lake City et San Francisco via le désert du Nevada, pour ensuite suivre la côte ouest états-unienne et mexicaine. Qui sait, peut-être nous reverons-nous quelque part encore par hasard en Amérique Centrale!

After 69 days of « sharing the road » with Etienne, we separated. It was a long time together like a long time married couple.

From now on I have to « socialize » with the people by my own. Not that I have to be always nice like Etienne. I still don’t care, but I have to talk. Sometimes it’s annoying to tell always the same story to an American trucker. Also I have to organize all the Warmshower or Couchsurfing stuff. I was traveling with a very good tour guide – I see it now. But thanks to Etienne, he joined me to all these communities. By the way: he can cook! His crepes are delicious! So he was the man for the CS/WS hosts when we did dinner. As a kitchen slave like me its now difficult to come around… maybe I can have his secret receipt about making these crepes.

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